Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Itchy and Scratchy.

I'm covered in welts where there's been scratching.

There are two possibilities to how it happened:

Scenario 1:  Wife got over-amorous (but obviously while I was sleeping as I don't remember).

Scenario 2:  Mog went walkies where he shouldn't have gone walkies.  I'm thinking he found some poison oak or poison ivy or whatever.  I gave him a thoroughly good massage at bedtime.  Got washed and ready for bed.  Scratched butt on way to bed.  Woke up next day covered in scratches--serious welts!  Now developing more of a rash and it's ITCHY!

Wife says she didn't do it.  So, it must've been the cat!

Regrets: Scratching butt on way to bed.
Thankful for: Not scratching "round the corner."

New developments!  Rash went all over and was accompanied by a sore throat.  Went to the doctor and it seems it was an allergic reaction to something or other.  Not convinced but will probably never know for sure! Sorry Mog!  :-)

1 comment:

  1. LOL! Oh dear!!!
    Hope it gets better soon! I've been itchy since popping over this evening! :)
